Monday, March 23, 2009

Happy Half Birthday Bug!

Okay, so the pie was more for us than it was for him... but he did get a taste of the sugar-free, fat-free pudding off of my finger! He is currently enjoying a snack of toes, which is his new favorite game. Note to self: get a picture of Henry eating his toes! :)

I am still in shock that my baby is 6 months old! He has totally come into his personality in the last month. He is very clear about his likes and dislikes. Luckily for us, the dislikes are few and far between. Among his new favorite activities (other than literally sticking his foot in his mouth) are bath time, in the sink or the tub, slamming his feet on the ground at the same time (combining this with bath time is more fun than you can imagine), chasing the dogs and cat (and by chasing, I mean rolling towards them and laughing) and being outside (swinging in particular, post to follow).

A few weekends ago, we went down to the Big 10 Tournament in Indianapolis. This marked the first time in Henry's life that I was not sleeping less than 50 feet from him. My parents kept him overnight at their hotel room. Luckily, my mother was there to teach me some very important parenting lessons... For example: "Do not spill coffee on your baby's head..." Without this piece of advice, my motherly instinct might otherwise have persuaded me to pour the hot coffee onto his head! I suppose we are all lucky I have been able to keep him in one piece for 6 whole months!!! :)

This weekend, we had another first... Kevin was on Hank-duty overnight without me for the first time. They apparently watched some basketball, drooled, grilled pork chops, ate some peas, drank some beer/formula and fell asleep...I came home to Kevin and Henry detailing Kevin's car. (I will let you decide who did what).

Little man doesn't have his 6 month check up until Wednesday, so I will be sure to update with his stats... I think giant pretty much sums it up though!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

6 Month Photos Round 1

We took advantage of this gorgeous day to snap some pics of the boy (as if we don't do this enough)... I cannot believe he will be 6 months tomorrow! Crazy! Here are a couple of my favorites.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Is there a better way to celebrate than with a holiday-appropriate hat and some GREEN peas? Nope!

Growing Up So Fast

I know, I know... I owe everyone a very long post. Until I am able to manage that, here are some pictures to show you how fast Henry is growing up these days...

Drinking from my new sippy cup

Nomming on a biter biscuit

Holding my spoon (a favorite toy) and actually putting it into my mouth!

Sitting up... all by myself! (with Mom close by because I topple frequently)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Hangin Around

Not the best footage, but you get the point!