Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sammy Smiles

I am still working on capturing his super big grin on camera, but here is a him!

Just because...

I accidentally had them in somewhat matching pjs this morning... that of course calls for a photo shoot! Perhaps it will get easier once Sam can sit and Henry can listen... somehow I doubt it! HA!

Daddy's Boys

*No, Kevin was not sleeping... just caught his eyes closed... and this was the best of the bunch

Chocolate Donut

A rarity in this house, but fun to watch him enjoy it...
Are you seriously going to let me eat this?

I better hurry before she takes it away!

Happy Boy!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Go Cubs Go!

We are ready for Spring around here, and Henry is ready for some baseball! We didn't manage to get him to a game last year, but Kevin is pretty excited about taking him this year. (I am guessing he will last about 3 innings if we are lucky) ...

Saturday, February 20, 2010


In a failed attempt to get Hank's new fake laugh on video, I ended up getting some of his "jibberish"... enjoy! I am still working on getting the fake laugh.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Olympics

okay, so this is wrong because Sam had to be a girl, but I could not resist. Enjoy!

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

Beans Beans...

...the magical fruit...the more you eat, the more you... you know the rest. Our little Sammy-pants has earned himself the nickname Beans. He is all boy. A very handsome boy, I might add!

"Beans" at 6 weeks (and by the grin on his face, I can only assume he was living up to the name)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

1 month stats

Sammy had his 1 month well visit yesterday, and, as expected, he is perfect.

Weight - 9 lbs, 13 ounces
Height - 21 3/4 inches
Head -15 inches

Peanut is growing... not that I should be surprised. The kid can eat! However, his sleep patterns are moving in the wrong direction... I remember a time, not too long ago, obviously, that he would sleep from 10-4, 10-5 and even 10:30-7 one blissful night. Now he wakes up earlier and earlier... last night was 1:50. I cannot complain because he still only wakes up the one time, but come on kid... move in the other direction! :)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Here Sam Grows - Month 1

The day we brought him home - January 2010

1 month birthday - February 2010

This little peanut is still so small, I am so curious to see what he weighs. He is still in newborn diapers and clothing. I tried to put a 0-3 month outfit on him today and he is still swimming in it.

Monthly update to come after Sam's well visit tomorrow!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Two Little Monkeys...

Sam: "wanna snuggle?"

Henry: "This is more appropriate spacing for men on a couch, Sam."

Sam: "I'll eat you!"

Henry: "Seriously, grow up Sam!"

Sam is clearly embarrassed and sorry for his behavior
Henry contemplates forgiving him as he is only 3 weeks old!

A boy and his dog(s)

As you can see, Hank developed a strong bond with the dogs early on. Their relationship has continued to grow, and now they have a lot of fun together. (As long as Henry is not being too rough, which is something we are working hard on.)

Sweet Sammy Pants

...because outside of sleeping, eating and making dirty diapers, all he really does right now is look super sweet!


It's all about the hair...
Mom and Henry (2 weeks old)

Mom and Sam (2 weeks old)

Not that I am complaining...

but too much time with Nana apparently leads to this:

The Children's Museum

With all this new baby business, Henry was in need of a special adventure with Mom. Thus, Uncle Bryce and I packed up the boy, left Sammy-pants with Nana and headed to The Children's Museum in Decatur. It was a bit hit. He lasted over an hour, played his little heart out and passed out the second he hit the car seat on the way home. I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking...
Picking veggies in the garden.

In the dog house... where he spends a lot of his time these days! :)

Clean up... Aisle 2

The Bubble Table (huge hit until he got bubbles in his eyes)

How much does this boy love tires?

Bryce's favorite... and Henry's too... the train table

*Notice the red eye from the bubbles