Sunday, January 24, 2010

My boys

Life at the Toth household is beginning to settle down a bit, and we are slowly getting into a good routine.


I am not going to jinx myself by telling you that Sam is a good baby, but Sam, thus far, has been a great little man. While he is slightly more vocal than Henry was at this age, he is easy to console and only cries when a. he is hungry, b. he diaper is not dry/clean, c. his clothes are off or, occasionally, d. he wants to be snuggled. Option d. is easily remedied by little cuddle time, so I don't mind that one bit. Sam, thus far, has also been a great eater... he, much like Henry, could care less what he was eating (formula or breast milk) and where it coming from (bottle or... you know). As far as sleep goes, he sleeps all day and, up to this point, most of the night, sleeping from 9:30/10:00 - 6:00 a.m. with a feeding between 3 and 4.


Oh Henry... my sweet, sweet Henry... you sir, have turned into a bit of a monster. I think the combination of bringing home a new pet, I mean, brother, uprooting your schedule by taking you out of daycare, having Nana give you constant attention for 9 days and then having her leave you and this whole walking thing, has really thrown you. I'm sorry. Now... get over it! You have not been that bad, you are just not AS perfect as you were pre-Sam. Now that we are getting settled into our routine, your behavior has improved. However, Nana is coming back this week and we are going to Decatur for a few days, so I am preparing myself for another adjustment period. Now that I have gotten the negative off my chest... you are turning into such a little man, it is killing me! You are so active, walking/running everywhere and I could watch you play for hours. We think you have a bit of OCD because you hate when we empty your toys on the floor... you immediately put them back in their proper containers. You sit on our entry step for ever reading book after book to yourself. So cute! You are also so obsessed with this toy bus right now. As soon as you are up in the morning (and from naps) you start looking for your bus... you carry it in one hand ALL DAY and we have to pry it out of your little hands at bed time. If the rubber wheels were not about to fall off, I would probably let you sleep with it, but it is not safe, so again, I'm sorry... now get over it! :) You are getting smarter every day, but talking is slow coming. You love to say "okay" and "i do." Other favorite words are still dada, mama, kiss and doggy... Nana, yes, cracker and truck (or ck) are other things you are starting to say with a little more frequency. At your 15 month check up, you were a little over 26 lbs (75th percentile) and 33.25 inches (97th percentile)... at least you are consistent! :)

Now for some pictures...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Baby Brother

Samuel Charles
7 lbs, 7 oz
20.25 inches

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Walking... finally

Little Man has been taking a few steps here and there since right after Thanksgiving, but it would appear he has finally gotten the hang of this walking thing... at least in our house... in between select pieces of furniture... what is it they say... "baby steps?" Ha! I told him he needed to be walking before Little Brother made his debut... he is cutting it a little close! (4 days).

Friday, January 1, 2010

A Very Happy New Year... Yes!

How can you not have a happy new year with this...

*the video is from my blackberry, so it is not great quality