Sunday, April 27, 2008

17 Weeks

Okay, so maybe I am not the most consistent blogger, but really... outside of still being sick at 17 weeks, there has been little to report. Yes, I am still sick, daily... however, without jinxing myself, I happy to report that yesterday and today have been "good" days! I would love to think that I was nearing the end of my morning sickness, but I refuse to make such bold statements.

At my 12 week appointment, baby bubbles refused to let us hear a heartbeat. While my doctor did not seem at all concerned about this, he ordered an ultrasound to calm my fears. It was amazing to see! Bubbles is super active, was flipping and dancing all around and (s)he even had the hiccups. We were also a bit uncooperative in that we would not sit still long enough to get a heartbeat rate at first. Eventually we got a count at 167 (which is girl range, but that is more accurate later in pregnancy). So in addition to learning that bubbles is super active and uncooperative, (s)he also has a perfect little profile!

While I loved the 13 week ultrasound, I was a bit disappointed when my dr. told me at the 16 week appointment that we had to wait until after my 20 week appointment to have the anatomy ultrasound! I really have no preference as to gender, but I WANT TO KNOW NOW!!! Kevin is sure bubbles is a girl, but I have my doubts. We shall see... the countdown is on... less than 3.5 weeks!
As for me, other than being sick every morning, I have been feeling pretty great. My cravings have stayed in the normal range... mac and cheese (any variety), oranges, cereal, apples w/ pb. taco bell soft taco supreme with no meat (which is really a taco shell with lettuce, cheese and sour cream... okay, this one is a little weird) and juice (oj, pom, crystal light and fruit punch)... also water, I cannot get enough of it!

Signing off for now...

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