Sunday, January 4, 2009

Introducing... my other babies!

Before September 23, 2008, I was a mom to three babies... two dogs and a cat. I know they have been mentioned once or twice before, but I have been a bit neglectful of these three over the last few months, so I thought I would give them a proper introduction.

Age 7
Nicknames: Peter, Pete, Meat, Me, Wiener-man, Dude
Like bones, balls and going bye-bye in the car...
Loves to snuggle, is missing most of his major teeth and has a bad back...
Thinks Henry is his baby and loves to love him! (when Nana is not looking)
Too smart for his own good! Is the Original Wiener, has traveled the country and is Daddy's man!
Baby Petey... a few days after we got him!

Napping with a sick, pregnant Mommy

Nicknames: Wrigy, Wrigs, Wrigy-Roo, Roo, Rooby, Roo-berto (creative, I know)
Age 4
Likes cat toys, tiny tennis balls and Aunt Shari's backyard (however, he hates the car, so getting there is always traumatic)
Scared of anything and everything, but loves swimming in Lake Michigan (which is still shocking to us)
Dumb as rocks, but sweet as pie - he is the sweetest of the bunch and a true Mommy's Boy
Forgets that Henry exists most of the time, but when he realizes he is here, he tries to get him to throw his ball (I would attribute this to his low IQ, but Petey does the same thing)
Wrigs is the only one that Nana really likes...

Sick, baby Wrigley

Mayor Augustus Maywho, Mayor of Who-ville
aka: Gus
Age: 1 year, 4 months
Nicknames: Gussy, Meer, Meercat, Fuss
Is in a committed relationship with P.J. (Aunt Sarah's cat) and possibly Dinah (Aunt Sarah's other cat)
Loves paper bags, boxes, laundry baskets, crinkle toys and food (he may be slightly overweight).
Thinks he is a dog most of the time....
Also loves to take naps with Daddy!
Gus knows Henry is here, but ignores him for the most part...
Nana ruins Gussy's life when she comes to town because she won't let him anywhere he likes to play (i.e. the counter, the bed, the couch and anything Henry might contact in his lifetime).
Bottom line: coolest cat ever!

Gus in the tub.... with his toys (this is how we found him!)

Some pics of the boys... clearly best friends!

there is something in here mommy...

...a Gussy!

patiently waiting for our favorite treat...

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